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Bunny Pals をご紹介します - 私たちのぬいぐるみ Pals ファミリーに、最もかわいい仲間が加わりました! ✨

私たちの居心地の良いバニー仲間は、究極の抱擁仲間です。最も柔らかく抱きしめやすい素材で作られたバニー パルズは、ファスナー 1 つでウサギからぬいぐるみのイチゴやニンジンに変身します。 Bunny Pals が友人や家族にとって、あるいは自分へのご褒美として欠かせないものとなっている理由をご覧ください。

The Bunny Pal plushies family featuring both Carrot Rabbit and Strawbunny variants. The image shows all three sizes of bunnies, with the smallest ones zipped up and the rest unzipped. Bunny Pal, Carrot Rabbit, Strawbunny, Carrot, Strawberry, Plushies, Plush Dolls, Cute Plush, Plush, Soft Dolls, Toy Dolls, Toy, Toys, Squishy, Soft, Stuffed Toys, Premium, Quality, Adorable, Cuddly, Playful, Collectibles, Huggable, Kids Toys, Children's Gifts, Gift Ideas, Teddy Bear
Medium/Large Strawbunny plush variant. The image showcases a Strawbunny plushie with its unzipped body and cute ears. Bunny Pal, Strawbunny, Medium/Large Variant, Plushies, Plush Dolls, Cute Plush, Plush, Soft Dolls, Toy Dolls, Toy, Toys, Squishy, Soft, Stuffed Toys, Premium, Quality, Adorable, Cuddly, Playful, Collectibles, Huggable, Kids Toys, Children's Gifts, Gift Ideas, Teddy Bear.
Carrot Rabbit Medium/Large Variant. The image displays a Carrot Rabbit plushie with its unzipped body and adorable features. Bunny Pal, Carrot Rabbit, Medium/Large Variant, Plushies, Plush Dolls, Cute Plush, Plush, Soft Dolls, Toy Dolls, Toy, Toys, Squishy, Soft, Stuffed Toys, Premium, Quality, Adorable, Cuddly, Playful, Collectibles, Huggable, Kids Toys, Children's Gifts, Gift Ideas, Teddy Bear.
Small Strawbunny plushie. The image showcases a small-sized Strawbunny plushie with its unzipped body and cute ears. Bunny Pal, Strawbunny, Small Size, Plushies, Plush Dolls, Cute Plush, Plush, Soft Dolls, Toy Dolls, Toy, Toys, Squishy, Soft, Stuffed Toys, Premium, Quality, Adorable, Cuddly, Playful, Collectibles, Huggable, Kids Toys, Children's Gifts, Gift Ideas, Teddy Bear.
Small Carrot Rabbit plushie. The image displays a small-sized Carrot Rabbit plushie with its unzipped body. Bunny Pal, Carrot Rabbit, Small Size, Plushies, Plush Dolls, Cute Plush, Plush, Soft Dolls, Toy Dolls, Toy, Toys, Squishy, Soft, Stuffed Toys, Premium, Quality, Adorable, Cuddly, Playful, Collectibles, Huggable, Kids Toys, Children's Gifts, Gift Ideas, Teddy Bear.
Strawbunny zipped up into a strawberry. The image shows a Strawbunny plushie zipped up to resemble a strawberry. Bunny Pal, Strawbunny, Zipped Up, Strawberry Design, Plushies, Plush Dolls, Cute Plush, Plush, Soft Dolls, Toy Dolls, Toy, Toys, Squishy, Soft, Stuffed Toys, Premium, Quality, Adorable, Cuddly, Playful, Collectibles, Huggable, Kids Toys, Children's Gifts, Gift Ideas, Teddy Bear.
Carrot Rabbit zipped up into a carrot. The image features a Carrot Rabbit plushie zipped up to look like a carrot. Bunny Pal, Carrot Rabbit, Zipped Up, Carrot Design, Plushies, Plush Dolls, Cute Plush, Plush, Soft Dolls, Toy Dolls, Toy, Toys, Squishy, Soft, Stuffed Toys, Premium, Quality, Adorable, Cuddly, Playful, Collectibles, Huggable, Kids Toys, Children's Gifts, Gift Ideas, Teddy Bear.


通常価格 $25.00 セールスプライス$20.00

  • 全国送料無料!
  • 在庫あり、発送準備完了
  • 途中の在庫


バニー仲間に会いましょう!ファスナー 1 つでぬいぐるみのストロバニーまたはキャロットラビットに変身できるリバーシブルデザインなので、これらのかわいらしさが愛らしい快適さと何時間もの楽しみをもたらすことは間違いありません。 🐰

注: 最小のウサギには足跡がありません。 🐾

S - 高さ 15 cm (7.0 インチ)
中 - 高さ 25 cm (9.8 インチ)
L - 高さ 35 cm (13.8 インチ)

What makes us different?

Free Shipping Worldwide!

Enjoy free shipping on all orders worldwide! ⭐

Premium Materials!

Our Plushie Pals are made with skin-friendly, premium materials that feel like you're cuddling a cloud! ☁️🧸

Putting Customers First!

We strive to respond to all customer enquiries within 1-2 business days! Your satisfaction is our top priority! 💖



親友と私のために Bunny Pals を購入しました。これまでで最高の買い物でした。
















